Lessons from Lasso
Ted Lasso” is a new show on Apple TV. It’s a comedy. So, that’s a win. I mean, who can’t use a good laugh right now. But more than the laughter it gives you hope and a glimpse of who we could be. When I tell you the plot you may think I’ve lost my mind when I talk about the wisdom in the sitcom, but have patience. I’ll get you there.
Ted Lasso is an American football coach sent to the UK to coach soccer (which he knows nothing about). What he does know is people. His focus isn’t on winning but getting his players to be the best people he can. Sound like a typical sports movie? It’s not. It’s just a guy trying to do right by the world without stuffing it in your face. It’s the little things that add up in the end. You also get to see the characters around him soften and grow as his kindness chips away at their sarcastic, busy, and hard-edged lives. So, here’s a few take-aways:
Lesson 1: Learn people’s names. Find out who your mailman is. Do you see the same person at Starbucks? Find out their name and use it. It makes a person feel counted and appreciated.
Lesson 2: Take the time to get to know the people in your life: neighbors, co-workers, teachers, coaches, etc. Really mean…”How are you doing today?” And then when they answer…Listen.
Lesson 3: Ask for opinions. Listen to people’s thoughts. You may be surprised where the most valuable idea comes from.
Lesson 4: Re-orient your brain to try to find the positive in everything. At least find one thing.
Lesson 5: Find something good in everyone. Sometimes it’s hard, but again find something. And back to lesson 2, if you know them a little better you might understand why they are the way they are. And just maybe they will be a little kinder if you show your interest in them.
Lesson 6: Do something kind for someone every day.
Lesson 7: Believe. Believe in the power above. Believe in yourself. Believe things will get better…and better and better.
Lesson 8: Forgive. Even when someone has done something horrible. Forgive them…it releases you and them from years of pain, scars and anger.
Lesson 9: Don’t be arrogant. Be honest. Admit what you don’t know. And ask questions.
Lesson 10: Kindness is cool! And it can be infectious. You’ll be amazed at what simple gestures can do to improve your relationships, create new ones, and spread happiness in your heart and others….and don’t forget to laugh.
Ted is a goofy character, but he’s full of heart, wisdom, and passion…a passion for people and doing the right thing. Is he perfect? No, he’s far from it, but he strives to be better and to raise up those around him. To me, that’s a winner regardless of the scoreboard. So, get out there and start racking up kindness points, check out the show (it has adult language), and have a great laugh. It will light up your week and maybe even your heart!